Cataclysm Classic Mining Leveling Guide

Welcome to the World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic Mining leveling guide. This guide will help you level your Mining profession from 1 to 525 by providing you the best recipes and materials to craft using the latest Auction House prices. You can use the controls below to customize the guide to your liking.

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Min Level
Max Level
Auctions Last Updated at September 18, 2024 at 8:46:40 PM UTC
Game Version:

You are currently looking at Cataclysm Mining guide. Click here for Classic Era Mining guide.

This is not a complete to guide for Mining, and only covers the possible skill ups from smelting.

Here you can find the summary of the guide. Details of each craft can be found below.
You can click on the level range to jump to the craft details.
Level Recipe # Crafts Cost per Level Total Cost Source
1 - 53
1 - 20 - 40 - 60
125 51 coins 93 coins 27 coins
53 - 65 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
65 - 69
65 - 40 - 57 - 75
31 1 coins 67 coins 64 coins 6 coins 70 coins 53 coins
69 - 91
65 - 50 - 75 - 100
106 2 coins 33 coins 64 coins 51 coins 39 coins 94 coins
91 - 109
75 - 100 - 105 - 110
39 5 coins 43 coins 27 coins 97 coins 78 coins 86 coins
109 - 125 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
125 - 141
125 - 100 - 125 - 150
90 10 coins 12 coins 34 coins 161 coins 97 coins 30 coins
141 - 155 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
155 - 159
155 - 150 - 155 - 160
23 7 coins 44 coins 86 coins 29 coins 79 coins 42 coins
159 - 175 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
175 - 191
175 - 150 - 175 - 200
90 14 coins 57 coins 224 coins 9 coins 10 coins
191 - 230 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
230 - 274
230 - 200 - 245 - 290
202 8 coins 73 coins 10 coins 384 coins 16 coins 36 coins
274 - 283
250 - 250 - 270 - 290
58 21 coins 21 coins 77 coins 190 coins 95 coins 92 coins
283 - 316
275 - 275 - 300 - 325
124 37 coins 71 coins 3 coins 1,244 coins 43 coins 92 coins
316 - 325 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
325 - 338
325 - 325 - 332 - 340
42 48 coins 46 coins 61 coins 630 coins 5 coins 88 coins
338 - 350 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
350 - 363
350 - 350 - 357 - 365
42 4 coins 55 coins 80 coins 59 coins 25 coins 36 coins
363 - 371
350 - 350 - 362 - 375
47 29 coins 76 coins 87 coins 238 coins 14 coins 90 coins
371 - 375 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
375 - 398
375 - 385 - 392 - 400
52 391 coins 20 coins 74 coins 8,997 coins 76 coins 80 coins
398 - 400 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
400 - 421
400 - 400 - 412 - 425
69 10 coins 33 coins 76 coins 217 coins 8 coins 78 coins
421 - 425 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
425 - 462
425 - 400 - 437 - 475
170 23 coins 51 coins 61 coins 870 coins 9 coins 40 coins
462 - 475 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
475 - 491
475 - 450 - 475 - 500
90 30 coins 80 coins 70 coins 492 coins 91 coins 20 coins
491 - 500 Could not find any recipes for this level range.
500 - 516
500 - 475 - 500 - 525
90 629 coins 50 coins 62 coins 10,072 coins 9 coins 80 coins
516 - 525 Could not find any recipes for this level range.

Level 1 - 53

1 - 20 - 40 - 60
Total Cost: 27 coins
Cost per level: 51 coins 93 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
125 Auction House 21 coins 60 coins 27 coins
Total Cost: 27 coins

Level 53 - 65

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 65 - 69

65 - 40 - 57 - 75
Total Cost: 6 coins 70 coins 53 coins
Cost per level: 1 coins 67 coins 64 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
31 Auction House 21 coins 63 coins 6 coins 70 coins 53 coins
Total Cost: 6 coins 70 coins 53 coins

Level 69 - 91

65 - 50 - 75 - 100
Total Cost: 51 coins 39 coins 94 coins
Cost per level: 2 coins 33 coins 64 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
106 Crafting 21 coins 60 coins 22 coins 89 coins 60 coins
106 Auction House 21 coins 60 coins 22 coins 89 coins 60 coins
106 Crafting 26 coins 89 coins 28 coins 50 coins 34 coins
106 Auction House 26 coins 89 coins 28 coins 50 coins 34 coins
Total Cost: 51 coins 39 coins 94 coins

Level 91 - 109

75 - 100 - 105 - 110
Total Cost: 97 coins 78 coins 86 coins
Cost per level: 5 coins 43 coins 27 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
39 Auction House 2 coins 50 coins 74 coins 97 coins 78 coins 86 coins
Total Cost: 97 coins 78 coins 86 coins

Level 109 - 125

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 125 - 141

125 - 100 - 125 - 150
Total Cost: 161 coins 97 coins 30 coins
Cost per level: 10 coins 12 coins 34 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
90 Auction House 1 coins 79 coins 97 coins 161 coins 97 coins 30 coins
Total Cost: 161 coins 97 coins 30 coins

Level 141 - 155

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 155 - 159

155 - 150 - 155 - 160
Total Cost: 29 coins 79 coins 42 coins
Cost per level: 7 coins 44 coins 86 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
23 Auction House 1 coins 29 coins 54 coins 29 coins 79 coins 42 coins
Total Cost: 29 coins 79 coins 42 coins

Level 159 - 175

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 175 - 191

175 - 150 - 175 - 200
Total Cost: 224 coins 9 coins 10 coins
Cost per level: 14 coins 57 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
90 Auction House 2 coins 48 coins 99 coins 224 coins 9 coins 10 coins
Total Cost: 224 coins 9 coins 10 coins

Level 191 - 230

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 230 - 274

230 - 200 - 245 - 290
Total Cost: 384 coins 16 coins 36 coins
Cost per level: 8 coins 73 coins 10 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
202 Auction House 1 coins 90 coins 18 coins 384 coins 16 coins 36 coins
Total Cost: 384 coins 16 coins 36 coins

Level 274 - 283

250 - 250 - 270 - 290
Total Cost: 190 coins 95 coins 92 coins
Cost per level: 21 coins 21 coins 77 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
58 Crafting 1 coins 99 coins 34 coins 115 coins 61 coins 72 coins
58 Auction House 1 coins 99 coins 34 coins 115 coins 61 coins 72 coins
174 Auction House 43 coins 30 coins 75 coins 34 coins 20 coins
Total Cost: 190 coins 95 coins 92 coins

Level 283 - 316

275 - 275 - 300 - 325
Total Cost: 1,244 coins 43 coins 92 coins
Cost per level: 37 coins 71 coins 3 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
248 Auction House 5 coins 1 coins 79 coins 1,244 coins 43 coins 92 coins
Total Cost: 1,244 coins 43 coins 92 coins

Level 316 - 325

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 325 - 338

325 - 325 - 332 - 340
Total Cost: 630 coins 5 coins 88 coins
Cost per level: 48 coins 46 coins 61 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
84 Auction House 7 coins 50 coins 7 coins 630 coins 5 coins 88 coins
Total Cost: 630 coins 5 coins 88 coins

Level 338 - 350

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 350 - 363

350 - 350 - 357 - 365
Total Cost: 59 coins 25 coins 36 coins
Cost per level: 4 coins 55 coins 80 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
84 Auction House 70 coins 54 coins 59 coins 25 coins 36 coins
Total Cost: 59 coins 25 coins 36 coins

Level 363 - 371

350 - 350 - 362 - 375
Total Cost: 238 coins 14 coins 90 coins
Cost per level: 29 coins 76 coins 87 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
47 Auction House 5 coins 6 coins 70 coins 238 coins 14 coins 90 coins
Total Cost: 238 coins 14 coins 90 coins

Level 371 - 375

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 375 - 398

375 - 385 - 392 - 400
Total Cost: 8,997 coins 76 coins 80 coins
Cost per level: 391 coins 20 coins 74 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
520 Auction House 17 coins 30 coins 34 coins 8,997 coins 76 coins 80 coins
Total Cost: 8,997 coins 76 coins 80 coins

Level 398 - 400

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 400 - 421

400 - 400 - 412 - 425
Total Cost: 217 coins 8 coins 78 coins
Cost per level: 10 coins 33 coins 76 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
138 Auction House 1 coins 57 coins 31 coins 217 coins 8 coins 78 coins
Total Cost: 217 coins 8 coins 78 coins

Level 421 - 425

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 425 - 462

425 - 400 - 437 - 475
Total Cost: 870 coins 9 coins 40 coins
Cost per level: 23 coins 51 coins 61 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
340 Auction House 2 coins 55 coins 91 coins 870 coins 9 coins 40 coins
Total Cost: 870 coins 9 coins 40 coins

Level 462 - 475

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 475 - 491

475 - 450 - 475 - 500
Total Cost: 492 coins 91 coins 20 coins
Cost per level: 30 coins 80 coins 70 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
180 Auction House 2 coins 73 coins 84 coins 492 coins 91 coins 20 coins
Total Cost: 492 coins 91 coins 20 coins

Level 491 - 500

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).

Level 500 - 516

500 - 475 - 500 - 525
Total Cost: 10,072 coins 9 coins 80 coins
Cost per level: 629 coins 50 coins 62 coins
Recipe Source:
Quantity Item Copy Source Cost per Item Total Cost
900 Auction House 7 coins 35 coins 75 coins 6,621 coins 75 coins
360 Auction House 9 coins 58 coins 43 coins 3,450 coins 34 coins 80 coins
Total Cost: 10,072 coins 9 coins 80 coins

Level 516 - 525

Could not find any recipes for this level range.
This issue may arise due to the auction house not having a sufficient supply of materials (or a bug in the site).