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Engineering Crafting Calculators

To access to a specific item's crafting calculator page, just click on it's name. You can find further instructions on the calculator page. If you are looking to level up your Engineering skill, please visit our Engineering Leveling Guide page.

(Event) Winter Convergence

Artisan Crafting


Crafting Components

Engineering Components
Matrix Components

Elite Trial Replicas

Expedition Replicas


Prismatic Scarab

Harvesting Sickles
Skinning Knives

Research - Gathering

Timeless Shards

Melee Weapons - Golden Scarab
Melee Weapons - Prismatic Scarab
Ranged Weapons - Prismatic Scarab
Ranged Weapons - Golden Scarab

Unique Expedition Replicas

Don't forget to check out our Palia Database, Pax Dei Database and Throne and Liberty Database
World of Warcraft Cataclysm Guides
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